How can I fix missing photos in my project?

We know missing photos and other connection-related errors can be frustrating. Thankfully, nearly all connection problems can be quickly and easily resolved with just a few DIY troubleshooting steps!

  • Check Wi-Fi Connection We recommend double-checking that you’re connected to a strong, reliable, fast Wi-Fi network. On a weak Wi-Fi connection, your app may disconnect or time out, which could cause issues with saving projects, accessing photos, etc. A reliable network minimizes these interruptions.
  • Check for App Updates Confirm that you're using the most up-to-date version of the SimplePrints app to ensure you're getting the latest features and bug fixes. You can find these at the following links:
  • Adequate Space on Device We’d like you to check that you have adequate space available on the device you have SimplePrints installed on. We recommend that you have at least 1GB available on your device to ensure iCloud (or other cloud storage services) can download the photos you select to your device. You can free up space by removing old apps you don’t use and by backing up photos, videos, and other files to iCloud or another cloud storage service.
  • Close Unused Apps We also recommend that you force close any unnecessary apps running in the background on your device while you are using SimplePrints. This should help free up more memory and may improve performance.
  • Archive Projects You’re Not Working On If you have several projects saved to your account, this can decrease your disk space and affect how the SimplePrints app works. We recommend archiving any projects that you are not working on. Your projects will still be saved to our servers and can be restored at any time.
  • Avoid Using Multiple Devices If you are using multiple devices to edit and/or view your project, this can cause issues saving your project properly. We recommend viewing this article on our website for more detailed information.
  • If you are using Google Photos, Google's API for sharing Google Photos with apps is not particularly great. If you have a lot of images in your Google Photos, it can take a really long time for them to show the thumbnails in our app. If it's taking too long, we recommend that you choose the images that you want to add to your photo book from the Google Photo app, and temporarily download them to your phone.
  • Re-establish iCloud Connection Sometimes the connection to iCloud can become broken, which often causes issues with missing pages. You can reestablish your connection by logging out of iCloud and logging back in with the following steps:
    • Go to the Photos app on your device and open some of the photos that are currently showing as Failed to Save.
    • Turn your device off and then turn it back on. This should help to re-establish a connection with iCloud.
    • Log out of iCloud and then log back in. You may get a message stating some photos and files may be removed from your device; these items are still stored in iCloud and will be reloaded onto your device once you log back in.
    • Return to your project in the SimplePrints app and tap on the photos that failed to save. 
  • Large Images May Take Longer to Upload If your images are very large, it may take longer than usual for them to finish uploading to our server. Sometimes just reopening the app will be enough, but to be safe we recommend keeping the app open for about 5 minutes without allowing the phone to lock or go to sleep.
  • Reinstall the App If the above steps do not resolve your issue, it may be best to uninstall the app completely, restart your phone, and then perform a fresh reinstall to your device again. This will clear out any locally cached data from your device and bring the app down to a much smaller size. Your Projects are saved securely on our server, so once you reinstall the app and log in, you will be able to begin working on your projects again, as usual. Please note, however, that any photos that have failed to upload to our server will need to be re-added.

Usually, photos that fail to save will have an error message on them in the app stating “Failed to Save - Tap to Retry”. However, in some cases, images may appear fine in the app but have failed to save to our server. You can verify whether an image has successfully been saved to our server by using the web preview link provided in your purchase confirmation email or provided in an email from our support team. 

if you continue to experience problems after following these steps, please reach out to our support team at and include what device and operating system you're using so we may further assist you.

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