How do I repurchase a previously ordered project

Previously purchased projects can be ordered again directly through the SimplePrints App.


  1. Open the SimplePrints app.
  2. Tap on Projects .
  3. Toggle to the Purchased tab.
  4. Locate the project you wish to purchase again and tap Duplicate .
  5. Tap Go to Drafts , which will take you to the project so that you can edit it.
  6. Make any changes that you would like.
  7. When you are done, tap Preview to begin the checkout process.


  1. Open the SimplePrints app.
  2. Tap the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner and select My Photo Books .
  3. Locate the project you wish to purchase again.
  4. Tap on the name of the project to open the Edit Book screen.
  5. Make any edits necessary prior to purchasing.
  6. Tap the blue arrow to select book options and checkout.
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