How do I add or edit shipping addresses?

For iOS:

You may add a saved address by tapping the Account tab in the menu at the bottom of the screen and selecting the Shipping Addresses option. Tap on Add New Address at the bottom of the screen to add a new address or tap any of your saved addresses to edit or remove them. While editing an address, there will be a toggle to mark a single address as your Primary Address - this will be the default shipping address that is loaded during checkout. 

For Android:

Shipping addresses can be edited during checkout only.

To add an address:

On the Checkout page under Shipping Information, tap on + Add a Recipient. From here, you can choose a recipient from your Contacts list or manually enter the shipping address information. When finished, tap Save on the top right side of the screen.

To edit an address:

On the Checkout page under Shipping Information, tap the name of the recipient that needs to be edited. From here, you can edit the recipient details and save the updates or delete the recipient altogether, which will take you back to the Checkout page. From there, you can then proceed to +Add a Recipient.

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